Bracelet collage

Bracelet collage
Wrist Bling

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why October is so important

I posted the statement below on my Facebook Fan Page

October is very important to me for two reasons..
One is my biological birthday, any ideas on the other reason?

Those who've known me for awhile might be able to answer it. But a major clue is included in the statement.

Clue #2... I mentioned last week that October was my Green month...

Care to win a pair of Sterling Silver GREEN earrings?
Post a comment here on my blog as to the 2nd reason-the right answer is the lucky winner!!

1 comment:

  1. fast answer on my fan page...
    Wendy Bennett Brown of BeanzBeads guessed the correct answer..
    October 23rd I celebrate 19 years with my first lung transplant ( bi-lateral)
    Congratulations Wendy!
